Tuesday, February 27, 2007


You can exhale now. Andromeda Spaceways Magazine has accepted Sing for publication--due out in August 07. I am more than a little pleased.

Can I quit work now?


Scotty said...

WTG, Mary, and an Australia publication too! I must confess I hadn't heard of that one but it's now in my list of ever-expanding bookmarks.

Congrats again.

Laura said...

Hooray! Well done, you.

Mary O. Paddock said...

Thanks guys!

I'm very pleased with this hit as they short-listed Pomegranate too but ultimately rejected it.

David said...

Congratulations on the the publication. Revise "Pomegranate" and send it out to the next publisher on your list.

Mary O. Paddock said...

Hi David.



Hedgie said...

Congratulation! That's great news.

Mary O. Paddock said...

Thank you Howard.

Simon Haynes said...

Woot - how did I not know? (I've just been updating the ASIM website and spotted a familiar name. Don't blame me I'm just the dogsbody etc etc.)

And, just for your enjoyment, the TOC and cover is online:


If you want a PDF of the cover nice and large, let me know!

Mary O. Paddock said...

Thanks Simon! I didn't want to say anything until you saw the cover. It seemed like unfair pressure otherwise.

I would love a big picture of the cover.
