Friday, February 29, 2008

My Office

There are dark forces lurking in the nether regions of my desk, waiting to pounce upon any important piece of paper left there. They come out at night to devour pens and dribble coffee across the anything left unguarded. When they're feeling especially vengeful they scatter crumbs across my keyboard and pull the bookmarks out of my books. I know they've been here because they leave a fine layer of of dust and hair (looks like cat hair, but I know better) in their wake.

After many hours of battle, I triumphed over them today, but I can still feel them lurking . . . waiting . . . for me to grow careless and tired.


Scotty said...

Sounds like the same ghost that frequents my place...


Mary O. Paddock said...

Maybe there's a candle or an incantation of some sort we can use to keep it away.

Owmmm . . .Cleanupbehindthyself . . .Owmmm . . .

Scotty said...


Ommmm - kickyourarseandgroundyouforamonthifyoukeepdoingitor inthecaseofanadultenjoythesoundofcricketschirping - Ommmmm...

Debby said...

Oh, Scotty...the sound of crickets chirping sounds like a wonderful thing. Scatterin crumbs on your keyboard, etc. seems like a very small price to pay for the pleasure. It's the dead of winter here. Mary, do you have crickets where you're at?

Mary O. Paddock said...

LOL Scotty. I like yours better than mine.

Hi Debby. None of my crickets survived the winter this year. There's usually one who manages to sneak in just before the first freeze and we'll hear them chirping behind the refrigerator for a few weeks. Perhaps the wolf spiders got them.

Debby said...

Okay, then, it's off to Scotty's to sprinkle crumbs in his keyboard so we get to listen to crickets.