I requested that my oldest build some tomato cages for me yesterday. He came out to the garden with the wire cutters in his hand and a cloak of darkness wrapped around his shoulders.
"Why can't Daniel do this?" Darth Vader moaned.
"Because I asked you to."
"It's not fair."
"Tough. It will take an hour of your time so get it done."
"I don't see why I should have to do something that isn't going to benefit me in any shape form or fashion." At last the attitude has been given words. What's in it for me?
I resisted the urge to chew him out, but the boy sometimes baffles me.
The other three are givers at heart, quick to step up and help when they spot the need, quick to say yes when I ask for it. They see someone hurting and they respond without hesitation. All four boys are from the same house, same parents, same rules. And yet this is what I've got in an oldest son. He doesn't do anything for anyone else gracefully unless it's either a) his idea or b) there's some kind of reward in it for him.
A lecture was in order, but I was in my garden enjoying my green growing things and didn't feel like talking at length. So I kept it succinct.
"Because, Son, sometimes in life we do things for other people without any expectation of benefits. Like, for instance, when your Dad or I hand you money so you can go to the movies with your friends, or when I drive over to pick you up from an after school event instead of demanding that you find your own way home. Trust me son, there's nothing in either of those things for us, except the knowledge that we're making your life a little easier and we like to make you happy. It's a shame you don't know how to reciprocate."
He shut up and did exactly what I told him to do and he did a fine job, but the cloak of darkness hung on his shoulders the entire time.
Sigh . . .
Oh, noone can wear the cloak of darkness like a teenager!!! You do realise that the world is already against him?
lol - loved your answer.
Have a little sympathy for him, Mom. You do realize that there is NO ONE in the house - nay! the world - that understands him, that he is alone, misunderstood, overworked, etc. He probably does not fit in your family and has figured it all out. He doesn't belong. Probably was left on your door step by strange mystical creatures with magic powers who will be returning for him one day...THEN you'll be sorry!!!!
Teenagers: just a matter of keeping it in perspective.
Hope this helped. :^D
Thanks Jeanie. I'm thinking of writing this stuff down and giving it to him to use on his own teens some day. :)
LOL Debby! You're right. I forget how terrible I am sometimes and how put upon he is. :)
Oh I have so much to look forward tom hav'nt I.
May I ask - why / what purpose - for a tomato cage? Not something I have heard of before.
I think it depends on the kid and the messages you give them. But some of it does appear to be basic to growing up. If I had it do over again with him, I'd start pushing him to give more to his family when he was younger so that the habit was in place. He's good with others; it's us he seems to take for granted.
Tomato cages are generally circular, made of chicken-wire weight fencing, and designed to support the plant as it grows. I've used both cages and stakes and prefer the cages because they support the branches as much as the plant.
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