Before I post our Yellowstone pictures I did want to include these bits from our visit. Northern Montana is overrun with Mule Deer. When I say overrun, I mean, when you drive down the road, you will see multiple herds of them grazing in the passing wheat fields, napping in the long slender shadows of the irrigation equipment, or standing at the roadside watching traffic go by as though they were bored school children. They have absolutely no fear of cars and look surprised, perhaps even irritated, if you hit your horn and squeal your brakes. They just trot slowly to the shoulder where they turn back to see why it is you were in such a hurry. We noted the remains of many, many Muleys along the interstate, accompanied by tire marks of the motorist who clearly tried not to hit them (I can only imagine the damage to the car).
They also wander into town and graze in people's yards. Helena, the state capital, is no exception. This picture was taken across the street from the capital building. A small herd of Muleys had taken up residence in someone's manicured yard, grazing on their ornamental shrubbery. Dad tells me that the look of brown-eyed innocence is a dodge, that they've been known to charge and attack residents if they come out their front door at the wrong time.
Hard to believe that this big-eared, quizzical creature is so much trouble, isn't it?

On our last full day, Dad took us to Virginia City, the only touristy activity he has any patience with. Virginia City and Nevada City, which are next door to one another, are old well-preserved western towns with a heavy helping of
An old Mercantile

Printing Office

Shoe Maker's

The home of a former pillar of the community. This place was built in 1843 and family members lived in it until the early 1950s. Strange to think that our lives could be opened up to this kind of scrutiny in a hundred years or so.

The kitchen which is attached to the above diningroom

The livery

The old train depot

A very much retired tin lizzie

Great photos, Mary; the printing office, especially, bought back memories for me. When I was about 14 I did some part-time work on weekends and school holidays in the printing press for my local hometown paper. I would sometimes operate a linotype machine to make lead slugs of text which would be fitted to frames for printing.
Thanks Scotty. They were lots of fun to take.
The private college I attended in the 80s to had a printing shop and I often wondered what it would be like to work there.
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