Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Day We Switched

I don't know how much I've said about it, but my oldest son is (along with music and computers) very into cameras and film making. As is common with teenage flicks staring boys, his movies tend to be a little short on plots, long on scenes which involve massive fight scenes, destruction, and (because this is Jeremiah we're talking about) graphic effects.

When I challenged him to do something with a little more substance--largely because he is so very multi-talanted, he stated that part of the problem was that his friends are more into horsing around than acting.

Perhaps it's time to add to your list of friends, I said.

Since that conversation, he's been working on an idea for a movie--writing scripts and so on--and on the lookout for some kids who would actually like to act. He's found two.

This is kind of their screen test. As as my husband puts it, this one almost has a plot line.


Pencil Writer said...

Liked the background music. Loved the "extras" with the guy inside the garbage dumpster!

Wes Holly said...

Totally cool!