Thursday, August 25, 2011

Doing what you don't want to do . . .

The older he gets, the more I like Jim Carrey. If you get a chance, check out his website here: .  It's a vlog of his various insights and life moments made up of surprising little profundities and Jim Carrey humor. Unfortunately I can't place the video here (Am I the only one who finds Vimeo annoying?), but I can point you toward the link to it--- It's about the blessing we get from letting go of something we shouldn't have been hanging on to in the first place. Note that even movie stars look unshaven and tired sometimes.

Clancy and I are up to a mile a day together, which is a far cry from the 3 to 4 a day I was doing just a couple of years ago, but the point is, we're doing it. I like the park early in the morning--cool damp grass under my feet, huge spider webs (housing equally huge spiders) across the walking paths, lots of birds and and squirrels and few to no humans. Except for the ladies who tend the flower beds and smile and wave when they see me, and the man who came and sat in the otherwise empty parking lot in his black mustang this morning and then followed me halfway home.

No, that wasn't weird at all.

I think I'll bring my mace tomorrow--if I can find it. And I'll dig out my Tae bo tape too  (in case I need to to throw something at an assailant of course). In truth, I kind of suspect he was an undercover cop--drug deals do go down at that park occasionally and you know how suspicious middle-aged women walking small dogs look. I'm sure after he ran my plate (which was probably why he was following me, but I'm still going to dig out my mace), he read my rap sheet "Most boring person ever. Even signals when she's backing out of her own driveway. Talks too much. Avoid." And remembered that he was supposed to be pursuing someone far more interesting on the other side of town.


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Niiiice blog post, making up that stuff about being boring. You know very well that guy was from the CIA and they are monitoring you for selling secrets to the Antarcticans. One of these days they will find evidence that sticks and THEN you'll be sorry...

Ok, I am ALMOST but not QUITE as boring as you. :)

Mary O. Paddock said...

Well, it's either the CIA, or it's Netflix security(the guy was wearing red, come to think of it) because they've got information that I'm on to the secret reason for their price hike and disastrous PR practices. :)