Sunday, June 03, 2012

Summer Break Update

My summer is looking a lot like its predecessors. I'm gardening up a storm--

Pole Beans

Italian Squash--impervious to Squash Vine Borers--the bane of every gardener's existence. 

(And, yes, I do know what that looks like, but we're both too well mannered to mention it right?)

And I've put a major dent in a project I started two years ago--

 I've been reading a lot--mostly sci fi and in particular The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. Great fun, good writing (I wonder where I can get one of those Temple Dogs . . . ).  My fall classes will be heavy on literary reading so casual, leave your brain-at-the-door fiction is the name of the game this summer. 

I'm nearly done editing and formatting The Way of Things for e-publishing. This will be a trail run. If it does well--(I don't have lofty sales goals, but I do have a number in mind) then I've got two more planned. Fassen Files is next up immediately after that. I'm a little more protective of that story and didn't want it to fail simply because I didn't know what I was doing. If I'm going to make a mistake I'd like it to be on a short story/novella.  

And as usual, the boys are running off in a variety of directions this summer, though those directions are taking a different form as they grow up. Sam will be going to a canoeing camp, which is a big deal for a kid who doesn't especially like to swim. Shortly after he returns he'll be going to Montana to spend a couple of weeks with my dad.  I've got mixed feelings about this, but Gary is fairly sure that Sam is sturdy enough to deal with whatever Dad dishes out. If all goes as planned (this is still up in the air) he will be starting high school this year.  

Joseph is a member of the student council and has meetings all summer, has band camp (he plays bass, and church camp (also a band camp of sorts--but for fun). 

Jeremiah is working, as usual, but is also a camp counselor again. I expect this to be his last summer at camp. He will graduate from college this coming year. He's been promoted to supervisor in grocery store deli--simply a stepping stone but a big one.    

Daniel? He's been at the grocery store for a year and has no plans for himself. However he recently told me that he's tired of working there. Much relieved to hear this, I suggested he pick a date he can give his notice and start working towards that goal. He's saving for a used car and once he's got enough to buy one (by August), he'll have more choices. We discussed his options--factory work, etc. None of that made him happy. He's starting to realize that unless he wants to work dead end jobs, he's going to have to get some training or go to college or join the service. As is typical of Daniel, he'll get where he's going just like the rest of us, but he'll get there differently.  

Gary and I hope to slip away for our annual camping trip next week. At Sam's request, we'll drop him off at canoe camp and travel down the river a bit and stay at a different campground. Sam, the strange child, doesn't want us camping next door for some reason. Even when I promised not to follow behind him waving and snapping pictures while dressed in my pajamas. I don't understand why not. :)



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